R Packages

These are some fun packages I’ve created for R users.


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The {Rdune} package offers a collection of color palettes inspired by ‘Dune’, designed for use in data visualizations and graphics with {ggplot2}. The structure of the code and creative inspiration were drawn from the {PrettyCols}, {wesanderson}, {MetBrewer}, {PNWColors} packages.

CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rdune/index.html

GitHub: https://github.com/nvietto/Rdune


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{nopunintended} is a package designed to take your mind off coding with puns from ‘No Pun Intended: Volume Too’ in the show/video game ‘The Last of Us’.

GitHub: https://github.com/nvietto/nopunintended


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{movienight} is a package that recommends a film within RStudio.

GitHub: https://github.com/nvietto/movienight

Posted on:
January 1, 0001
1 minute read, 97 words
See Also: